2020 Perseid meteor shower was easy for me to monitor as I just finished both the antenna installations and software installations at my remote site. 3-element FM Yagi antenna pointing 230 degrees from my KP01tn location (towards UK) and then just recording what ever comes. I selected center tuning of 96MHz as it has the…
UPS RF shield – quick test results
Yesterday I wrote a post about my latest try to level down the interference caused by computers, power supplies and other peripherals using simple Faraday’s cage. The UPS is huge noise generator – or it should I say, it was! In picture below, on the left hand side this is the noise generated by the…
Testing the BASE interference for remote RIG update
While waiting my trip to my remote site I started to plan a new RF shielding and interference protection. After all I’m going to replace 99% of the computer HW I have at my remote site and it is known fact that computers are the worst noise generator one can have. The new system is…
Release the power of your RIG for common good!
As we all know now, the SARS-CoV-2 virus, commonly known as the “Corona virus” is spreading around the world. As a member of the HAM community and the full supporter of the HAM spirit I feel obligated to do anything I can to both protect my fellow citizens and to help to find the cure…
Idle time FT8 DX
Not every day I am able to do DX’ng, so I usually let my system on 24h just to receive something. Good idle DX receptions are digital modes (FT4, FT8, JS8Call and so on…) and SSTV. Between 3.-5. March I left my system on 20m HAM band and for FT8. Quite impressive results!
Computer problems while TX’ng – the golden rule of protecting computer peripherals from RF.
On the other day I was listening SSTV (yes, this is about SSTV 🙂 – again) transmissions and heard familiar sound that should not be there, a Windows USB disconnect-connect-disconnect-connect … … … My analysis is that the user sending the SSTV picture has some RF leaking to the computer system he/she uses causing Windows…
Very clever way of using SSTV signaling to not only send a picture greetings but also a short melody!
While SSTV DX’ng I heard a very familiar melody while listening the transmissions. First I thought I heard wrong, but when this happened again I was sure this was intentional – and I was able to record it too! Here is a video of the transmission, take a listen to the first seconds of it,…
SSTV DX Gallery
I got so excited about SSTV that sometimes when I do not use my system to other DX’ng I have it on 24/7 and tuned to 14230KHz and let RX-SSTV to automatically decode and save received SSTV transmission to my OneDrive album. This album is the RAW Save To -location of the receiver software RX-SSTV…
Some SSTV DX fun – Was it You?
I’ve been reading about SSTV some time now, but never tried to receive it as the most common bands have been very silent every time I have had time to tune in. Today was different and I quickly learned that the most common 20m band frequency here in Europe (14230KHz) was packed full with SSTV…
NO MORE 137 MHZ LRPT from N2-2 :-(
I just learned, that no more Hi-Resolution pictures are sent from the Russian weather satellite METEOR-M N2-2 using 137MHz frequency as it was struck by a micro-meteorite on Dec 18 2019, causing it to lose control and go offline. This information is sad as I was so hoping to continue with my experiments with the…