2020 Perseid meteor shower was easy for me to monitor as I just finished both the antenna installations and software installations at my remote site.
3-element FM Yagi antenna pointing 230 degrees from my KP01tn location (towards UK) and then just recording what ever comes. I selected center tuning of 96MHz as it has the most free around it at my location. Using SDRUno and 8MHz band I recorded whopping 4,5 Terabytes of data.
By using SDR Console Analyser I was able to relatively quickly analyse all that to find “pings” caused by this celestial firework, some very good several (tens!) of seconds long down to just really one second snort.
I created a small video archive of all the significant receptions, but unfortunately the archive for corrupted due to some hardware problems. I should have backup somewhere, and I’ll try to re-publish all videos later.