I got so excited about SSTV that sometimes when I do not use my system to other DX’ng I have it on 24/7 and tuned to 14230KHz and let RX-SSTV to automatically decode and save received SSTV transmission to my OneDrive album.
This album is the RAW Save To -location of the receiver software RX-SSTV so there are several duplicates, bad quality and distorted files, just scroll around to see all of the good ones too.
To see the album, head to the album page on my OneDrive Photos!
And a warning!!! Some of the pictures are graphical in nature – for some HAM’s sending X-rated material over the SSTV seems to be the thing 🙂

System used:
Radio: SDRDuo
Antenna: City Windom (40m)
SDR software: SDRUno, Digital mode with 3KHz bandwidth
Location: KP01tn, Finland