It is summer and Sporadic E (Es) is again visiting us. At the moment I have a maintenance going on on my remote site so only a Discone is available for FM listening, so no directional FM Yagi or anything, just a whip.

Today was good conditions from my remote site to Ireland and indeed the waterfall of my SDR program was filled with Irish stations. The skip was about 2000 km over Sweden and Norway. And remember, this is normal FM usually heard only for some tens of kilometres up to hundred around the transmitting antenna site.
I was not prepared for this event, so only few recordings are available, below are perhaps the best ones I was able to record. BBC Radio 4, Channel Four and two that I was not able to get proper ID of.
Received with:
Location: KP01tn, Pori – Finland
Antenna: Diamond Discone whip, about 14 meter from sea level
PreAmp: None