Yesterday I wrote a post about my latest try to level down the interference caused by computers, power supplies and other peripherals using simple Faraday’s cage. The UPS is huge noise generator – or it should I say, it was! In picture below, on the left hand side this is the noise generated by the…
Testing the BASE interference for remote RIG update
While waiting my trip to my remote site I started to plan a new RF shielding and interference protection. After all I’m going to replace 99% of the computer HW I have at my remote site and it is known fact that computers are the worst noise generator one can have. The new system is…
SSTV DX Gallery
I got so excited about SSTV that sometimes when I do not use my system to other DX’ng I have it on 24/7 and tuned to 14230KHz and let RX-SSTV to automatically decode and save received SSTV transmission to my OneDrive album. This album is the RAW Save To -location of the receiver software RX-SSTV…