My remote location is a little challenging what comes to the long-wire antennas, especially if the antenna needs to be string in straight line from the feed point. At the moment I have one long-wire antenna, a 43 meter long CityWindom hanging from the mast to a tree about 7 meters above the ground. As…
MLA-30, any good for anything?
Back in August I read about MLA-30 a (very) cheap active loop antenna that was said to be at least a good one, if not even as good as the more expensive “original” loops. I wanted to test how well it might perform here at my city home in the middle of huge QRM and…
The All New remote RIG – Part 1.1 “Testing the HF shield”
One problem in my system is that I need to power it using cheap switched-mode power adapters. They are – well, cheap, universal, small, easy to get – and a huge source of wideband HF interference. The best solution would be to replace all these power supplies with real transformers and linear regulators, but for…